Ai-Chan Teen Detective mkv
star: Toshio Kakei, Yasushi Kawabata / Japan / Writers: Nobuko Nishii. Mar 07, 2018 ‘Ai-chan: The Teen Detective from Yoshimoto Shinkigeki (よしもと新喜劇映画 女子高生探偵あいちゃん) is an upcoming Japanese comedy directed by Kazuhiro film finds a somewhat stout detective forced to go undercover as an idol. Ai-chan, the Teen Detective from Yoshimoto Shinkigeki(MBS. Ai-chan: the Teen Detective from Yoshimoto Shinkigeki on Find trailers, reviews, and all info for Ai-chan: the Teen Detective from Yoshimoto Shinkigeki by Kazuhiro Nakamura.
Ai-chan: the Teen Detective from Yoshimoto Shinkigeki.